Plot: Men and women live in a giant silo underground with several regulations which they believe are in place to protect them from the toxic and ruined world on the surface.
Plot: Follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world where her life is...
Plot: When a star high school football player from South Central is recruited to play for Beverly Hills High School, two separate worlds collide.
Plot: Jake Peralta, an immature but talented NYPD detective in Brooklyns 99th Precinct, comes into immediate conflict with his new commanding officer, the serious and stern Captain Ray Holt.
Plot: Based on the series The Bureau . Follows a world of even deeper intrigue and subterfuge, with characters fighting their own battles as they grapple with existential threats to the nation and the world.
Plot: Twelve finalists and/or future singers who were selected from America, compete in a talent contest in which they were asked to sing any song they like on this Star ...
Plot: Follows a pair of police officers on patrol as they respond to a new radio call, arriving on the scene to resolve incidents.
Plot: Jake Peralta, an immature but talented NYPD detective in Brooklyn"s 99th Precinct, comes into immediate conflict with his new commanding officer, the serious and stern Captain Ray Holt.